Do you want to get in FREE to all home Games? Get discounts on Dance tickets? Buy your Activities Pass today before the price goes up! Come to the Business Office and get it now for only $40 and save over $200 for the school year. Activities Pass price will increase to $45 after August 13! (see flyer for more details)
Your Associated Student Body works extremely hard to represent all students and create events and activities for everyone. With over 30 campus clubs, dances, rallies, and special events, there is never dull moment in Coyote Country! Make your four years count…get involved today!
Advisor: Nathan Pantoja
Room: 107
Meeting Days: Every Wednesday at Lunch
The California Academic Decathlon is a statewide non-profit organization that promotes an educational experience providing a format in which teams of nine high school students compete in academic events. All California public and private high schools are eligible to compete. The Academic Decathlon embodies a partnership of business, foundations and individuals in cooperation with the education community and county offices of education.
There are an estimated 500 high schools, approximately 13,000 students, in 42 counties and districts participating in the California Academic Decathlon. The makeup of each of the nine member teams must include three A students, three B students, and three C or below students.
Academic Decathletes take 30 minute multiple choice tests in the subjects of Economics, Art, Music, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. In addition, each team member gives a planned 4 minute Speech and a 2 minute impromptu Speech, sits through a 7 minute Interview, and has 50 minutes to write an Essay. The only event open to the public is the Super Quiz Oral Relay which deals with either the Science or Social Science topic.
The Academic Decathlon season involves 4 rounds of competition. The United States Academic Decathlon publishes the curriculum in May. Round 1 is a non-scoring scrimmage typically held in November. Round 2 consists of district and county competitions held on the first Saturday in February. The winners of Round 2 plus a limited number of invited teams then compete in Round 3 which is the CAD State Finals held sometime in mid-March. The State Champion then represents California in Round 4, the USAD Nationals held in late April.
Director: Leticia Torres
Room: 307
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of FBLA chapter is to provide as an integral part of the instructional program additional opportunities for high school students (grades 9-12) in business and/or business related fields to develop vocational and career supportive competencies and to promote civic and personal responsibilities.
The objective of this organization is to provide opportunities for self-development and preparation for family and community and for employment. Provide opportunities for decision-making and for assuming responsibility. This is to develop interest in home economies, careers, technology, and related occupations.
The purpose of HOSA is to promote health careers education and build the confidence of students in themselves by providing opportunities to assume responsibilities, and by developing occupational competencies. It is to develop social skills that lead to realistic choices of careers and successful employment in the healthcare field. Promote awareness of current healthcare issues, develop physical, mental, leadership, and ethical practice.
Advisor: Alisha Brown/Conyer
Room: 707/314
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of the Black Student Union is to provide cultural, educational activities to celebrate our African American heritage. The BSU is committed to the development of cultural, social and ethnic diversity in our community, conscientiousness and positive self-image. In addition, the BSU is the “umbrella” organization of many of the African American student organizations, providing a forum for them to voice their differences, goals, and ideas. Furthermore, BSU encourages cooperation between its member organizations and the African American student body. The BSU club is open to all students at MHS.
Advisor: Preis/Haas
Room: PE (Olive Gym)
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of Block M is to encourage and foster athletic activity in Madera High School, and to encourage participation by club members in all school activities. The activities of this organization shall be in accordance with its objectives.
Advisor: Huettmann/Whitlock
Room: 810/Shop
Meeting Days: TBD
The Blue Crew Club is organized for the purpose of promoting positive school spirit at Madera High School. The club’s goal is to increase student awareness and appreciation of activities and athletics at Madera High. Members will promote positive school spirit by attending various activities and sports events throughout the year. All members will abide by the C.I.F. fan behavior guidelines and will obey school policies and dress code rules.
Advisor: Judy Shaubach
Room: PE (OG)
Meeting Days: TBD
The objective of this organization shall be to create a place on campus for Christian Athletes to be encouraged throughout their Madera High years and to serve the campus and community to create learning opportunities for students through service projects. It is to introduce basic fundamentals of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith to those interested in learning more about them through testimonials of Christian Athletes, preferably former Madera High Alumni.
Advisor: Oxelson/Dunn
Room: 110/707
Meeting Days: TBD
GSA has goals to promote tolerance and equality among students of all sexual orientation and gender identities through educational efforts. To inform members of the student body issue and events affecting lives of students of different sexual orientation. To also create a safer and more comfortable learning environment for all students without bullying.
Advisor: TBD
Room: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of Hiking Club is to explore the beauty of local foothills, national parks, mountains and coast areas. It allows students to enjoy a healthy outdoor activity and learn about the environment while making new friends who share a common interest. It is to bring awareness to nature and the preservation of the land while enjoying what it offers.
Advisor: Denise Sanchez
Room: 210
Meeting Days: TBD
The goals and objectives of the MAYA club are to promote the development of student leadership and to foster compassion for the community by helping out community members (for example, feeding the homeless, helping members of the community with community events).
Advisor: Duque/Mujica-Gomez
Room: Front Office/103
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of this club is to give a positive image to our culture and teach the rest of the public an idea about our culture. It is to stress the importance of higher education as a means to help one another and organize events to practice our language and culture as well as give others the opportunity to learn and share culture.
Advisor: Stacy Brown
Room: 313
Meeting Days: TBD
The objective of this organization is for students to build their team building skills and to make new friends while participating in a common hobby. It allows students to work together and give back to the community while completing community service projects.
Advisor: Garcia/Lee
Room: 704 (CC)
Meeting Days: TBD
To support teen parents and other members to work collectively on common goals through decision making. To educate members on the structure of the club by electing officers to participate in school activities. To build self-esteem by participating in school planned activities by being role-models to others as well as the children enrolled in Cal-Safe.
Advisor: Daniel Strobel
Room: 706
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of this organization is to promote a college-going culture on campus by raising awareness about SAT, ACT, PSAT, ASVAB tests and dates and partnering with the Career Center to help seniors schedule deadlines for apps, scholarships, FAFSA, etc. It is to encourage college attendance by providing field trips to college campuses in conjunction with AVID class.
Advisor: Schleich/Guzman
Room: 702/703
Meeting Days: Every Monday at Lunch
The Art Club is open to any Madera high student who loves art, wants to have fun, and participate in school activities. No talent is necessary. The Art club is organized for the purpose of bringing together students with an interest in art to share abilities, go on field trips, work together towards campus beautification projects, displays, and other various projects.
Director: Jacob Sherwood
Room: Theater
Meeting Days: TBD
The Drama club produces two mainstage producers per year, participates in local and state competitions and drama outreach events. Coyote Drama Productions serves all students at Madera High School by providing public performance opportunities to all students. Troup #8160 is the honor component of the school’s theatre program (Coyote Drama Productions). Its purpose shall be the advancement of standard excellence in theatre and will encourage students to attain better mastery of the theatre arts.
Advisor: Rachel Cornec
Room: 116
Meeting Days: TBD
The purpose of this club is to promote French language and culture among students who are learning French as a second language. Furthermore, students will have the opportunity to exchange letters and possibly E-mail with other French-speaking students around the globe. Field trips, cultural activities and “get togethers” will also create and establish an atmosphere of friendship and cooperation among students.
Advisor: Brandon Harlow
Room: 708
Meeting Days: TBD
The mission of P.S.A.C. is to help those interested in public safety gain knowledge that may help them in their future and to reach for and attract future freshmen to the pathway. It is to represent Madera High and Skills USA, by showing respect, great responsibility, and pride.
All the students are issued one free ID card during FIRST SEMESTER. The replacement charge for lost, stolen, and broken cards is $10.00. Payment can be made in the Business Office and receipts must be brought to the Safety Office to have a new card printed. Pictures are taken every Wednesday and Thursday from 7:45-8:30 a.m. in the Security trailer for new students.
Once you receive your card, DON’T LOSE IT! You will need it for many things, such as purchasing dance tickets, sporting events, drama productions, library books and tutoring! If you lose your ID card, pay $10 to the Business Office (located in the front office). Bring your receipt to the Safety Office during lunch to have a new card printed for you. You do not need to take another picture for a replacement card.
To save money, buy an Activities/Athletic Pass for $40 in the Business Office. The sticker will get you FREE admission to ALL home games and discounts to Sadie Hawkins, Winter Formal and Prom. Once you purchase your pass in the Business Office, go to the Activities Office with your ID card to have your sticker placed on the back of your ID card.
Código del anuario: 14852125
Recuerda, si tienes un pase de actividades ¡ahorras $5! Además, si está interesado en grabar su nombre en su anuario, Madera High ofrece esa opción por una tarifa adicional.
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Madera es donde los estudiantes tienen el desafío de ampliar su visión, inspirados por oportunidades significativas y luchar por logros auténticos.