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Our School

Block M

Mrs. Robyn Cosgrove


Principal's Message

Welcome to Madera High School!  With more than 100 years of Coyote tradition, our goal is to continue to strive towards excellence and promote a positive school culture where students feel safe and welcome. Every stakeholder, whether they are a parent, student, staff member, or community member has a significant role in accomplishing this goal at MHS. A climate of civility and respect amongst all is key to students enjoying a positive high school experience.

Use this website to help find all of the information you will need to navigate yourself successfully through the coming year at Madera High School. You will find information about athletics, expectations for your behavior, guidelines for appropriate dress, consequences for inappropriate behavior, extra and co-curricular activities, graduation requirements, college entrance requirements, and most importantly, the names of those on campus who are here to help you.

This site is designed to communicate the basic expectations of Madera High School so that students and parents alike understand the policies, rules, and procedures governing the way students, staff, and others relate within the high school community. We expect students and parents to become familiar with the basic ideas incorporated here. The school staff and administration have the responsibility to ensure that all policies are administered fairly and equitably and that all members of the school community have the opportunity to be heard.

As we embark on the journey ahead, know that you are supported and valued by all of our staff members at Madera High School. We want to partner with you and your parents to make your time at MHS engaging, memorable, and academically challenging. Our goal is for you to be equipped with the 21st-century skills that are essential to become College and Career-ready. Our staff is involved both in and out of the classroom to “make a difference” and want all students to be able to graduate. I hope you will take advantage of the many activities that are offered and become an integral member of our Coyote Community.


— Robyn Cosgrove

White Paw Print

MHS Mission

We are committed to creating and sustaining a culture that empowers Madera High School students to be college and career-ready contributing members of society.

Go, 'Yotes!

MHS Vision

Madera High will set high standards for perseverance, respect, integrity, and dedication, with a commitment to excellence.

Go, 'Yotes!

Bell Schedule

Student Handbook

Policies & Procedures

Attendance Clerk

675-4444, x1141

  • Attendance will be reviewed and communicated to students weekly in the classroom.
  • Students are reminded to check for attendance errors.
  • Excessive absences and truancies may result in failing your academic classes.
  • If a student is in danger of failing a class because of excessive absences, the teacher will notify the parent by letter or progress report.

Absences for the following reasons are excused for the purposes of this policy:

  • Illness
  • Quarantine
  • Medical, Dental, Optometric, or Chiropractic
  • Funeral for a member of the immediate family
  • Jury Duty

*Justifiable personal reasons approved by the principal or designee,( i.e./ court appearance, holiday or ceremony observance of his/her religion) must be approved in advance by the administrator. (Ed. Code 46010, 48204)

**All School Activities must be cleared in advance by students with individual teachers in order to get assignments. Lists of students involved in activities will be approved and distributed by administration, activities director or athletic director.

Picking up Students from School

For student safety, parent/guardian may be asked to show a form of identification (picture ID) before the school releases a student. Students may only be released to parent/guardian and/or others who are on the student’s emergency contact list.  Student must be picked up from the front office. Student will be called out at the time of parent arrival.  All students must check out and have clearance to leave campus.

Release by phone: parent/guardian must verify identification before a student is released.

In order to preserve instructional time, the school discourages parent/guardian from picking up students early from school during the last 30 minutes of the school day.

Clearing Absences

Absences must be cleared within by one of the following methods:

  1. The parent/guardian may call the attendance office at 675-4444, x1141, preferably on the day of the absence. If a clerk does not answer, voicemails will be logged and recorded. If a clerk has any questions or needs to verify information, they will return your call.
  1. Students can bring a note on the day they return to school. Notes need to be dropped off in the attendance office by 3:30pm.

All notes and phone calls MUST include the following information:

  1. Full name of student
  2. Student ID number
  3. Date(s) of absence and period(s) missed
  4. Specific reason for absence
  5. Parent/guardian signature
  6. Parent/guardian contact phone number.

* If a teacher/school error is found, it can only be cleared by a career school administrator.

Make-Up Work: Students have one (1) day for each day absent to make up missed work from the time they return to school.

Parents are encouraged to call 72 hours (3 school days) in advance if your child will be absent 3 or more days to request missed assignments.

Unexcused Absences: Uncleared all day or single period absences become unexcused if they have not been cleared by Wednesday of the following week.  It is the student’s responsibility to assure that the absence has been cleared and that there are no errors in their attendance record.

Absence Codes

Excused Absence Codes
(DO NOT Count for L.O.P.)
Unexcused Codes
(Counts for L.O.P.)
Tardy Codes
(Counts for L.O.P.)
(Justified Late)
(Late — up to 30 minutes)
(Kept in Office)
(Personal Reason)
(Late — greater than 30 minutes is considered truant)
(Field Trip)
(Health Office)
(Verified excused beyond what is noted above)

*Note: When tardy due to excused purpose, student will report to the attendance office so that time they arrived may be noted and T/M marking may be remarked as Justified Late along with the arrival time.

Madera High School is a closed campus. Once a student has arrived at school, he/she cannot leave without proper authorization. Passes will be issued only with consent of the parents or guardians listed on the student’s emergency procedure card.

Off Campus Passes Procedure

  1. Students must check out of school by obtaining a pass from the attendance office before leaving.
  2. Off-campus passes will be issued for the following reasons with parent permission only.
  3. Illnesses must be verified by the school nurse.  At no time is a student to leave school and go home ill without first clearing through the nurse and the attendance office for an off-campus pass.
  4. Appointment with a doctor or dentist. Upon return to school, a doctor’s note and/or signature is required for the absence to be cleared.
  5. Illness and/or death in the family, court or funeral attendance when verified by parents or guardians.
  6. Off-campus passes will not be issued for other than medical reasons, except when special permission has been obtained from the Administration.
  7. To obtain an off-campus pass, a parental request must be submitted to the Attendance Office and should include the following:
    • Date
    • ID Number/Name
    • Time of departure
    • Reason for request
    • How student will be going (driving, parent picking up, etc.)
    • Career School
  8. The pass issued by the Attendance Office will serve as the pass back into class.
  9. If a senior leaves the campus at lunch and suddenly becomes ill, his/her parents must notify the Attendance Office.
  10. If a doctor’s appointment is scheduled during the lunch period and, as a result, the student will be absent or tardy to 6th period, the absence must be cleared in advance.


Seniors in good standing are allowed to leave campus during the designated lunch period only.  Seniors must display their valid senior ID cards to exit and re-enter campus during their lunch period.  This privilege may be revoked due to violations of discipline, attendance policies, failing grades, or if the senior falls behind in credits toward graduation.


Students who are unscheduled either 1st and 7th period are not allowed on campus unsupervised.  Unscheduled 1st period students arrive at 8:51am for 2nd period.  Unscheduled 7th period students are to leave campus at 2:12pm.

Loss of Privilege List

  1. Students with outstanding financial obligations and/or unexcused absences, truancies, or days of suspension will not be eligible to participate in certain extracurricular activities. 
  2. Students who have accrued the following unexcused absences or tardies in a QUARTER will be deemed ineligible for designated activities for the FOLLOWING QUARTER:
    1. Four (4) or more full day or single period unexcused absences in the same period 
    2. Ten (10) Tardies or more cumulative (total for all periods) in a quarter
    3. Students in violation of Ed Code 48900(c) [possession and/or use of a controlled substance] will be placed on an automatic 45 day loss of privilege status. 
  3. Privileges include, but are not limited to:
    • Sadie Hawkins Dance, Winter Formal, Prom
    • Senior Activities (All activities including Grad Nite & Graduation Ceremony)
    • Off-campus lunch privilege for juniors & seniors
    • Camp counselor for elementary schools

Madera High School History

130 Years of  Coyote Pride & Tradition

The school now known as the flagship school is the original Madera High. Located on the corner of sixth and L streets, about one mile south of downtown, the school is thriving academically, jumping a combined 58 points on its API score the past two years. Madera High’s strong tradition of spirit and pride will live on for many generations to come.

Madera High School Alma Mater

Hail to Madera,
All hail to thy name,
Our colors ever victorious,
Our love ever the same,
To thee we pledge our loyalty
May we never fail.
Thy name be ever glorious,
All Hail, Hail, Hail!


After the divisions of Fresno County and Madera County in 1893, the new citizens of Madera filed a petition in the County Clerks office signed by some 150 Madera citizens urging the organization of a four-year high school. In 1893 the original Madera County Board of Education made a provision for the organization of a secondary school.


The large wooden building known as Westside Grammar School located on Sixth street between M and N was remodeled; the halls and cloak room turned into laboratories, and facilities were provided for a group of ten high school students who entered in the fall of 1894 as the class of 1897. When MHS opened, there were only three years required for each student to graduate: the first year students were called Juniors, followed by the Middlers and lastly the Seniors.


 In 1902 the school was officially named Madera Union High School, by which name the school was known until 1966.


In 1904 a new similarly-styled brick building, nicknamed the "Main Building," was constructed on Sixth and L streets. Using Madera County products such as marble and brick, this mission-style, two story, eight classroom high school included an assembly hall (60'x30') was built. In 1976, the Main Building was demolished because it did not meet earthquake standards. This building stood where the "Pit" now resides.


Annex off of the main building with a shop, bus repair shop and science classes.


On Sunday, August 12, 1917, a fire burned down the old wooden structure that served as a temporary high school. The insurance money carried on this structure, which amounted to over $7,000, was used to erect a wooden gymnasium. This gym served for seventeen years as the only building for basketball, and for the boys and girls physical education. 


Auditorium with a 700 seating capacity served until 1940 when it was outgrown and condemned.


Agriculture unit with two main sections, and a connecting corridor surrounded by landscaping.


Transportation shop and classroom built on the corner of Sixth and L streets ofr $50,000.


A fire destroyed wooden gymnasium on February 2, 1937. A modern gym, known as the "north gym" was built on 1937. In 1974 this gym was named after Joe Flores, a long time custodian.


Science building was erected for $65,000.


Athletic field was developed for $6,000. This included a lighted baseball field, track, and gridiron area with seating for 6,000.


Industrial Arts complex was built for $176,000 including equipment


3 acres where purchased on corner of Eighth and L streets.


Home Economics building that housed foreign language, social science, and math built for $375,000The Library was moved to it's current location. The Library is named after Mrs. Vivian Wiegand, who had served as the librarian for 33 years.


Additional industrial arts shops, drawing rooms and academic rooms built.The girls gym was built for $256,000 fully equipped (now called the Olive gym).


The pool opened


The Science building was erected


Language Arts building was erected (location of the current Health Science building). Administration building was erected.


The "Old Main" building was demolished and seven new buildings were constructed.


In 1989, the Madera Unified School District commissioned the building of a new campus to ease the overcrowding at MHS.


Construction began on the "South Campus" in 1990.


"South Campus" opened approximately a mile down the road from the main campus. This campus was equipped with a two story academic building, cafeteria and media center.


Thanks to the passing of a school bond in November 2002, South Campus was expanded to form its own high school, and proper renovations were completed at the main campus, allowing for the creation of Madera South High (formerly South Campus) in 2006.
The bond was also used to build Madera High a new administration building, black box theater and upgrade the classrooms in the 100 building and pool complex.


Madera High also recently received a six-year term of accreditation through June 2020 from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), according to a recent announcement by the committee.

White Paw Print

Madera High School Profile

Madera High School, Home of the Coyotes,’ is where tradition and pride runs deep.  With over 2,000 students and over 170 staff members, Madera High fosters a climate of respect, high achievement and opportunity.  As a school community we believe that our diversity is one of our many strengths.

Established: 1894
Grades: 9-12
Enrollment: 1,850
Colors: Royal Blue & White
Mascot: Coyotes
Teachers: 79

Programs that Challenge & Inspire Our Students

To meet the needs of our diverse student population, MHS offers a variety of curricular and extracurricular programs designed to challenge and inspire our students.  Our goal is for every student to desire to come to school each day and feel connected to the MHS community.  The staff of Madera High is also committed to ensuring that all students achieve at high levels and are challenged to become global citizens equipped with 21st Century skills.

Madera High offers many academically rigorous programs which include Advanced Placement course offerings.

College & Career Pathways

Students also have the opportunity to pursue their educational interest through a variety of College and Career Pathway courses.  Madera High offers a total of ten different Career Pathways that focus on the fields of Engineering, Medicine, Technology, Hospitality, Education, Robotics, Criminal Justice and Visual & Performing Arts.  Career pathways help students make connections between the world of work and academics.  Each career pathway offers an academically challenging curriculum while providing a variety of hands-on, real world learning opportunities.  Students who complete a pathway (3 years of coursework) may also have the opportunity to earn post-secondary college credits through dual enrollment while also attaining industry recognized certifications.

Our former career school configuration has been replaced with learning academies that are similar in structure and focus.  Each pathway has an Administrator that oversees the staff and students that are associated with that pathway.  Students who are undecided regarding their career pathway, will be designated as a general education student and will be assigned an administrator and counselor.  Additionally, the career pathways will be housed in offices located in four different geographic areas on campus.  This type of organization will allow for personalization and collaboration among parents, students, counselors, administrators and teachers.

Madera High also continues to partner with the Business and Industry sectors of our community.  These vital relationships ensure that Madera High School will continue to offer programs that equip our students with College and Career readiness skills.  This community link allows for ongoing collaboration through Pathway Advisories, classroom participation, donations, and community outreach.  As an example, the Madera Chamber of Commerce and other community organizations provide enormous support for the mock interview/portfolio platform.  The interview process prepares our students for the future job market and has also resulted in students receiving job offers by the business community.

Extra Curricular Activities

Madera High School also offers a variety of opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities. Thirty clubs and co-curricular organizations enable students to become involved in their school and community. Additionally, over 600 students participate in the 60 athletic teams that represent Madera High School at the freshman through varsity level. We believe that a well-rounded program is necessary for preparing a student to be successful and strongly encourage participation in these programs.

White Paw Print


Gina Cardenas, Librarian
559.675.4444 Ext. 1176

(559) 675-4467
Monday – Friday

Fully Accredited by the Western Association of Schools & Colleges

Accreditation by a WASC committee is a crucial achievement for any high school. According to WASC, the accreditation “certifies the school is a trustworthy institution of learning and validates the integrity of a school’s program and student transcripts.” It also assures the school community that the school’s purposes are appropriate and being accomplished through a viable education program.

The committee visited Madera High and examined the school’s academic programs, support and intervention areas, staff and extracurricular activities. Several MUSD employees — from Madera High staff members to administration at the District Office — were interviewed by the WASC committee to gather feedback relative to Madera High.

A letter sent by Thomas Beecher, chairman of the WASC commission, indicated Madera High was granted a six-year accreditation “after a careful study of the visiting committee report, which noted many laudable aspects of the school.”

The six-year accreditation includes a mid-term review, which consists of a written report from the school outlining progress made in implementing the schoolwide action plan, and a one-day visit by a two-member WASC team.

WASC logo

Among the school-wide strengths listed included:

  • Organizational structure: The committee cited that the career school model allows students to pursue their individual interests while preparing for post-secondary options.
  • Commitment to academic success: All students receive strong and effective early and multiple interventions.
  • Benchmark Testing: The creation of benchmarks ensure a consistent delivery of curriculum, an accurate assessment of student progress and increased student learning.
  • Webgrader: The use of the Webgrader tool enables timely communication with parents and students.
  • Extracurricular activities: Madera High received high marks for a diverse offering.
  • Proactive security: The school promotes a safe and welcoming atmosphere on campus. The anti-gang program also was commended.
  • Focus walks: These allow teachers and administrators to visit classrooms in order to discuss, collaborate and implement instructional best practices.

School Site Council (SSC)

The School Site Council (or SSC) is a very important component of Madera High.  The role of the School Site Council (SSC) is to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of our Single Plan for Student Achievement (or SPSA), modify improvements and Title I budget allocations, as well as other duties assigned by the Education Code of the State of California.  Meetings are held at least 4 times a year and are open to the public.  The SSC is made up of 10 members – 1 administrator, 4 school staff members, and 5 parents.

El Concilio Escolar (SSC) es un componente muy importante Madera High. El papel del Concilio Escolar es desarrollar, implementar y evaluar la efectividad del Plan Único de Rendimiento Estudiantil (SPSA), modificar iniciativas para mejorar la educación de los estudiantes y el presupuesto de fondos de Título I, así como otras tareas asignadas por el Código de Educación del Estado de California.  Las reuniones se llevan a cabo al menos 4 veces al año y están abiertas al público. El SSC está compuesto por 10 miembros: 1 administrador, 4 miembros del personal escolar y 5 padres/tutores de familia.

English Language Advisory Council (ELAC)

Madera High Parents,

Please attend our ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) Meeting.  We would really appreciate you joining us for this informative meeting.  We invite and encourage ALL parents of English Learners to attend.  The meeting should last about 30-40 minutes.  The district pays close attention to the number of parents who are attending our various parent meetings at each school site, and we’d like Washington Elementary to receive a high score for having a large number of parents attend.  

We look forward to your attendance, your input, and your questions.

The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a committee of elected parents, staff, and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English learner program services.

ELAC shall be responsible for advising the principal and staff on programs and services for English Learners and the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

The ELAC shall assist the school with:

  • The school’s Needs Assessment
  • Understanding the school’s annual English Learner Data reports  
  • Ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance

El Comité Consejero de Aprendices de Inglés (ELAC) es un comité compuesto por padres electos, personal y miembros de la comunidad designados específicamente para asesorar a los funcionarios escolares sobre los servicios del programa para estudiantes de inglés.

El ELAC será responsable de asesorar al director y al personal sobre los programas y servicios para los estudiantes de aprendices de inglés y el Concilio Escolar sobre el desarrollo del Plan Escolar Único para el Rendimiento Estudiantil (SPSA).

El ELAC ayudará a la escuela con:

  • Evaluación de necesidades de la escuela
  • Comprender los informes anuales de datos de los estudiantes de aprendices de inglés de la escuela
  • Formas de notificar a los padres de la importancia de la asistencia regular a la escuela

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

School Plan For Student Achievement (SPSA)

Integrated Pest Management Plan

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